I Will Follow You...(^___^)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog Walking....

today, i'm going to talk about my blog walking experience....
kecek omputih plak...hehehehe...

At first, I didn't know the meaning of blog walking. When i found out the meaning, actually, i already done it long ago. I don't care what ever people are calling it. What I know is, I love to read when bloggers are writing about their life experiences. Sometimes, I keep reading lots of blogs for the whole day without feeling bored. But at the end of the day, I'll get headache...haha... That's me. Always get headache.

I don't remember which blog is the first that I follow. But now, i got so many blogs to read. They are all about life experiences and knowledge that i will never learn in school or university.

I might not be a consistent blogger, because I have lots of more important things to do. But, I still enjoy writing in my blog. I know, not many people will read my blog because its not interesting at all. Yeah...its kind of boring. What can I do, I'm just a boring girl living in a boring environment with boring daily activities, repeated everyday. So, here are my boring life events. Anyone can read my boring thoughts right here. Na-ah. My life isn't that boring though. Its just that I don't know how to express my feelings in my writing.

I don't know why I am writing this post with this boring topic, which is not really suites the title. Like what i've said before, I don't care.......hehehehehe...=)


  1. hhahahaha. anyway, you write. and, i love to read the babbling blogs that u said (merepek) .. even you say that you are not going to be the consistent blogger, it's okay la. at least you learn from your writing. and, the readers also learn from your writing too. hehheheeh. i do not better in english, sorry for the grammar broken,. sob3333

  2. don't worry about grammar...even the american people, do make grammar mistake when using their own language...hehe....

    thnx for reading my boring blog...(^___^)

  3. welcome.. mekaseh for your advise

  4. Boring topic? but have something to sharing :)

    Best gak wash my eyes in blogs-blogs other peoples...

  5. Nice blog, my gramar not too good to :)

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  7. hehhe...lucu...saya pun baru nak reti blog walking nih...;-) cheers!!!

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  9. Thanks! Your article really useful. I will follow your advice :)

  10. hi nice to read your blog..

  11. Hye.. funny baca.... lets ber blogwalking.. hahaha. baru nak try


  12. nice entry dear..feel free?jom singgah ke blog sy..


  13. sipppp http://www.cari-alamat.com/

  14. hai..me too..i have no idea what is blogwalking until i read some of other bloggers' post.feel free to visit my blog http://syureinadiaries.blogspot.my/ :)

  15. This is the first blog I read about blogwalking. I am going to do the same from now on. Thanks dear.
    Care to blogwalk mine too. www.syokvitamin.blogspot.my
